Partner, Children, Parents and other family members may apply to join their Australian citizen or permanent resident family members in Australia under this category. The following is the brief summary of different categaries of family visas which can be applied by the applicants who has other family members living in australia as permanent residents or australian citizens.

Partner Migration

Partner migration is migration to Australia as the spouse, prospective spouse (fiancé(e)) of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

  • Partner Visa (subclasses 820 and 801)
  • Partner Temporary Visa (subclass 309) and Partner Permanent Visa (subclass 100)
  • Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300)
  • Partner Visa (subclasses 820 and 801)

    This visa allows the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia.
    You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided. Average processing time for this visa is 12 to 15 months.

    The Partner temporary visa (subclass 820) is the first stage towards a Partner permanent visa (subclass 801). You lodge one application form for your temporary and permanent visas and pay one application charge. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.

    The Partner temporary visa (subclass 820) allows visa-holders to

    • live in Australia until a decision is made about your permanent Partner visa
    • work in Australia
    • study in Australia, but with no access to government funding
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.

    The Partner permanent visa (subclass 801) allows visa-holders to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • apply for Australian citizenship
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • receive some social security payments
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted


    Partner Temporary Visa (subclass 309) and Partner Permanent Visa (subclass 100)

    Those who can apply under the Spouse category are people who are married or in a de facto relationship with their sponsor. The sponsor must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    The Partner temporary visa (subclass 309) is the first stage towards a Partner permanent visa (subclass 100). You lodge only one application for your temporary and permanent visas and pay one application charge. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.
    You must be outside Australia when you apply and also when the Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) is granted. You can be in or outside Australia when Partner visa (subclass 100) is granted.
    The Partner (temporary) visa (subclass 309) allows visa-holders to

    • enter Australia and live here until a decision is made about your permanent Partner visa
    • work in Australia
    • study in Australia, but with no access to government funding
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.

    The Partner Visa (permanent) visa (subclass 100) allows visa-holders to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • apply for Australian citizenship
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • receive some social security payments
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted
    • Top

      Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300)

      This visa allows people to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse. You must be outside Australia when you lodge your application and when the visa is granted. The sponsor must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. It is a temporary visa for nine months. You can have the wedding in any country: the wedding does not need to be in Australia.
      This visa allows visa-holders to

    • enter Australia before you marry your prospective spouse
    • travel in and out of Australia as often as you want
    • work in Australia, although some employers might not hire people with temporary visas
    • study in Australia, but with no access to government funding for tertiary study
    • apply for a partner visa, in Australia, after your marriage.
    • Top

    Child Migration

    Child migration is migration to Australia as the dependent child, orphan relative or adopted child of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

    Child visa (subclass 101)

    This visa allows a child who is outside Australia to come to Australia to live with their parents. This visa allows an eligible parent sponsor their child to live in Australia indefinitely. The parent can apply on behalf of a child younger than 18 years of age. An eligible parent is an Australian citizen, the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
    The child must be outside Australia when the application is lodged and when the visa is granted.

    This is a permanent residence visa. It allows the child to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if they are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time they will need another visa to enter Australia.


    Child visa (subclass 802)

    This visa is for children who are in Australia and sponsored by an eligible parent. This visa allows an eligible parent sponsor their child to live in Australia indefinitely. The parent can apply on behalf of a child younger than 18 years of age. An eligible parent is an Australian citizen, the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
    The child must be in Australia when the application is lodged and when the visa is granted.

    This is a permanent residence visa. It allows the child to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if they are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time they will need another visa to enter Australia.


    Adoption visa (subclass 102)

    This visa allows an adopted child who is outside Australia to come to Australia to live with their adoptive parents.
    This visa is for children younger than 18 years old. The child can already be adopted or be in the process of being adopted. The adoptive parent sponsors the child for this visa and usually applies on their behalf. An adoptive parent must be an Australian citizen, the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen. The child must be outside Australia when the application is lodged and when the visa is granted.

    This is a permanent residence visa. It allows the child to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if they are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time they will need another visa to enter Australia.


    Dependent Child visa (subclass 445)

    This temporary visa allows a child to travel to and from or stay in Australia until their parent’s permanent Partner visa is finalised and is required if the child is to be added to a permanent Partner visa application after a temporary Partner visa (subclass 309 or 820) has been granted to their parent.

    A child must be single and sponsored by the same person who sponsored their parent. A child must be younger than 18 years of age, or financially dependent on their parent holding the temporary Partner visa, or incapacitated for work due to the total or partial loss of bodily or mental functions.
    If this visa is granted, the child also needs to make a permanent Partner visa application before the parent’s permanent Partner visa is decided.
    The child can be in or outside Australia when they apply for this visa.

    This visa allows the child to

    • travel to and from, or stay in Australia with their parents until a decision in made on the parent’s permanent visa application
    • work and study in Australia
    • travel to and from and stay Australia while the temporary visa is valid.
    • eligible to enrol in Medicare once they have lodged an application for a permanent Partner visa.


    Orphan Relative visa (subclass 837)

    An Orphan Relative (subclass 837) visa is for a child whose parents are dead, permanently incapacitated or of unknown whereabouts. It allows a child in this situation to live permanently with their sponsoring relative in Australia. This visa is for child who is single and younger than 18 years old. A child might be able to get this visa if they are an orphan, or their parents are unable to care for them.
    The sponsoring relative must be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. The sponsoring relative usually applies on behalf of the child, who must be inside Australia when the application is lodged and the visa is decided. The sponsoring relative must meet the parental responsibility or custody requirements.

    This permanent residence visa allows the child to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if they are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time they will need another visa to enter Australia.
      • Top

        Orphan Relative visa (subclass 117)

        An Orphan Relative visa (subclass 117) is for a child whose parents are dead, permanently incapacitated or of unknown whereabouts. It allows a child in this situation to travel to and stay permanently with their sponsoring relative in Australia. This visa is for child who is single and younger than 18 years old. A child might be able to get this visa if they are an orphan, or their parents are unable to care for them.
        The sponsoring relative must be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. The sponsoring relative must meet the parental responsibility or custody requirements. The sponsoring relative usually applies on behalf of the child, who must be outside Australia when the application is lodged and the visa is decided.

        This permanent residence visa allows the child to

        • live, work and study in Australia
        • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
        • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
        • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
        • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time they will need another visa to enter Australia.


    Parent Migration

    Parents may be able to migrate to Australia if they have a child in Australia who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

    Contributory Aged Parent Visa (subclass 864)

    This visa allows older parents live permanently in Australia if their child is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. These visas are for parents whose age is equivalent to a person who is eligible for an Australian Age pension. Parent must be in Australia when the visa is applied and when the visa is decided. Besides to this you also need to meet the balance-of-family test and need to be prepared to pay higher visa application charges for faster processing.
    This is a permanent residence visa. It lets you and any family members who have also been granted this visa to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after that time, you will need a resident return visa or another visa to return to Australia).


    Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 884)

    This visa allows older parents live in Australia for up to two years if they are the parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. These visas are for parents whose age is equivalent to a person who is eligible for an Australian Age pension. If you hold this visa you can apply for the permanent Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (subclass 864). Parent must be in Australia when the visa is applied and when the visa is decided. Besides to this you also need to meet the balance-of-family test and need to be prepared to pay higher visa application charges for faster processing.
    This is a temporary visa allows visa-holders to

    • live in Australia for two years
    • work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.


    Contributory Parent Visa (subclass 143)

    The Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) lets parents live permanently in Australia if they have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. Parent can lodge an application for this visa in or outside Australia. Besides to this you also need to meet the balance-of-family test and need to be prepared to pay higher visa application charges for faster processing.
    This is a permanent residence visa. It lets you and any family members who have also been granted this visa to

    • live, work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
    • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
    • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after that time, you will need a resident return visa or another visa to return to Australia).


    Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 173)

    This visa allows parents live in Australia for up to two years if they are the parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. If you hold this visa you can then apply for the permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143).
    Parent must be outside Australia when the visa is applied and when the visa is decided. Besides to this you also need to meet the balance-of-family test and need to be prepared to pay higher visa application charges for faster processing.

    This is a temporary visa allows to

    • live in Australia for two years
    • work and study in Australia
    • enrol in Medicare Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
    • travel to and from Australia for two years from the date the visa is granted.


    Other provisions exist for aged dependent relatives, remaining relatives and carers of Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia and eligible New Zealand citizens to apply for visas to come to Australia permanently.

    • Aged Dependent Relative-Those who can apply under the aged dependent relative category are people who are single, widowed or divorced aged person and who are financially dependent on a relative* who lives in Australia.You must be sponsored by your relative in Australia who must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen
    • Remaining Relative-Those who can apply under the remaining relative category are people who are the brother, sister or child (or step relative to the same degree) of a person in Australia, who, if they did not migrate to Australia would otherwise be left on their own overseas.You must be sponsored by your relative in Australia, who must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    • Carer-Those who can apply under the carer category are people who are willing and able to give substantial, continual assistance to an Australian relative (or a member of their family) who has a medical condition that is causing physical, intellectual or sensory impairment of their ability to attend to the practical aspects of daily life.You must be sponsored by your relative in Australia, who must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen

    *Note:Relative Definition
    Relative includes child, parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew (or step relative of the same degree).

    If you think you are eligible and interested under any of the above category and want to you’re your family in australia please send your details to SK Migration for detailed professional assessment or fill in online assessment form to help you migrate as a family member of your australian relative.

    Tourist/Visitor Visas

    If you wish to come to Australia as a tourist during your holiday, or to visit your relatives in Australia, you should make an application for a visit/tourist (short stay or long stay) visa. Such a visa holder is not allowed to work in Australia, but may study short courses if the visa condition permits that. This visa allows you to stay 3 to 12 months depending on the visa granted and its conditions.

    Business Travel Visas

    If you are a business person who wish to attend some business meetings, conferences, seminars or wants to explore business activity in Australia or you visits Australia regularly due to business needs, you should make an application for business (short stay or long stay) visa which can be a multiple entry visa. This visa will allow you to conduct business activities in Australia, as long as you don’t take up a full-time employment with an Australian company.

    ETA- Electronic Travel Autohrity

    ETA is Electronic Travel Authotiy and it is equivalent to a visa, but there is no stamp or label in your passport and there is no need for you to visit an Australian diplomatic office to submit an application. Applications for ETAs can be submitted through travel agents or airlines or DIMIA website.

    ETA is a online facility and it is issued electronically by a computer system operated for the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) of Australia.The Internet ETA is currently available for:

    • Tourists: multiple visits with a maximum stay of three months per visit, and
    • Short Stay Business travellers: multiple business visits with a maximum stay of three months per visit.

    Eligibility for ETA

    You are only eligible to apply for an ETA while you are outside of Australia. To apply for ETA, you must hold one of the listed ETA-eligible passports. If you do not meet these criteria, then you should contact your nearest Australian visa office for further options.

    Hong Kong SAR
    San Marino
    South Korea
    Vatican City

    If your country of nationality is not listed, you can still apply for a Tourist or Business Visitor’s Visa by application to an Australian Embassy or Consulate.

    If you require further details about any of the above mentioned visa category please contact us and we can assist you further for the relevant application.


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